The last month has been wild, but it has been good. After six years of waiting and working, Hannah and I were finally able to bring our daughter, Willow Elshaday, home to our family. My wife spent a week in Ethiopia fighting for our girl before I joined her on the ground for another two weeks. We have never experienced anything like dealing with a foreign government like Ethiopia. My appreciation for the United States grew immensely while attempting to work with such a broken, foreign system. Pray for the other Ethiopian children who are still waiting to be adopted and that desperately need to be united to forever families who will care for them. The current system is a complete mess.

Hannah and I are grateful for the support that we received from our agency and the in-country staff members in Ethiopia. Family and friends also prayed for us continually while we were gone. Willow is a direct answer to prayer to God. There is no other explanation. There is no other way that we could have brought her home without God’s intervention. We are grateful to God who worked all things according to the pleasure of His will in His timing. Thank you for praying! Thank you for your support! All glory to Christ!